Best Selling Freeze Dried Candy
Our best selling freeze dried sweets. Make life a bit simpler by...
Boxes & Gifts
We have a range of boxes for you to try. All our...
Clearance Sweets
Once they're gone they're gone!
Cosmic Gifts
Embark on a cosmic journey of delectable surprises with SpaceSweets' Cosmic Gifts...
Freeze Dried American Taffy
Freeze dried American saltwater taffy. They're deliciously puffy, crunchy and melt in...
Freeze Dried Chew Bars
Our selection of freeze dried chew bars. A schoolground classic, always puffed...
Freeze Dried Chocolate & Caramel
SpaceSweets range of freeze dried chocolate and caramel products. Freeze dried American sweets...
Freeze Dried Fruit Comets
Our collection of freeze dried skittles from all of your favourites to...
Freeze Dried Hi-Chew's
Our range of freeze dried Hi Chew flavours for your enjoyment. Light, puffy,...
Freeze Dried Imported Candy
Our range of freeze dried imported American candy. All the sweets you've...
Freeze Dried Marshmallow
Freeze dried marshmallow - amazing in hot chocolate drinks, on your cereal...
Gluten Free Freeze Dried Sweets
All of our Gluten Free products in one place. Enjoy worry free!...
Mixed Freeze Dried Pouches
SpaceSweets range of mixed pouches. Get a little taste of a lot!
New Freeze Dried Candy
Our newest and most fancy freeze dried sweet masterpieces. Be the first...
All our pick'n'mix products include everything you would find in your newsagent...
Regular Earth Sweets
Our collection of regular candy, not freeze dried. Great to compare to...
SpaceSweets Faves
New and best-selling products, curated by our own customers!
Vegetarian products.